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Our History

The Upper Room Christian Center held its first service on January 2, 2011 with an official membership of seven committed men and women of God. It was founded upon “going back to basics” in Acts 2:41-42. The vision God gave the ministry was very simple; To Win One Million Souls.


Pastor Howard and Co-pastor Tina Daniel both have a sincere passion for all people and especially those who are hurting. They take great pride in the church’s motto of, Ministering Healing to the Hurting. Due to this passion, the ministry found favor with God and began to experience rapid growth.  Within its first year, the Lord had added to the church 55 more souls.


The ministry continues to prosper at a steady pace. Pastor Daniel contributes it all to God and the many developing activities the church has to offer. This includes but is not limited to the following ministries: The Upper Room Academy which provides detailed training for Ministers, Deacons, Missionaries and Church Mothers. The Momma Sargent Scholarship has provided 51 students with scholarship in the span of 4 years.  Christian Kindness in Action is the heart and soul of the ministry ensuring it provides support and love for both the members of the Upper Room as well as members of its community who needs support.


The ministry is now 9 years old and continues to experience the move and power of God.  God has seen fit to continue the growth of the ministry to where he has multiplied the ministry 4 times its first year.  The Upper Christian Center is currently located at 262 Bee Street in Meriden, CT. Services times are Sunday at 10:00 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM. If you are ever in the area our welcoming theme is; Come as a Guest and Leave as Family.



To Win One Million Souls.

To EDIFY the body of Christ and COMPEL non-believers to obtain salvation through the faith in Jesus Christ. To HELP those in need through the OUTREACHING ministry of Christian love, kindness, and character.



Our Beliefs

We believe the Word of God is the true word of God in order to communicate His will for man to be Saved.  


1. We believe that God requires a Holy lifestyle in all aspects of one’s life who has chosen to live for him. 1 Peter 1:16 says, "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."


2. We believe one must be born again of both the water and of the Spirit following true repentance. "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" John 3:5.


3. We believe you must be completely submerged when being Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.


4. We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance. "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" Acts 2:4.


5. We believe healing and other manifestations of the power of God are yet for our dispensation as they were during the original church.


6. We believe the Holy Ghost is indeed yet active in our time and seeks to dwell in the children of God.


7. We believe that both Heaven and Hell are actual places where the Saved and Unsaved (respectively) will spend eternity after the final judgment.

8. We believe true discipleship of Jesus is displayed in two ways.

    1) Through obedience to Christ’s teachings.

    2) Through demonstrated love shown toward the disciples of Christ.

© 2019 Upper Room Christian Center  CT

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