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Helping Hands



Image by Sandy Millar

Marriage Ministry 

Elder Troy Herbert, President

Missionary Karen Herbert, Co-President

To encourage spouses to operate in faith, forgiveness and favor, by providing fellowship opportunities that promote oneness.

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Women's Ministry

Minister Wanda Johnson, President

Sister Tanisha West, Co-President

The URCC Women’s Ministry mission is to help WOMEN achieve wholeness through God’s love and guidance.  To help her overcome her past and move gracefully into her future with God through mentorship for all ages.  

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Men's Ministry

Brother Corey Wright, President

Bring men/boys closer to God through mentoring activities. Edify men of all ages by building their faith in God. Helping them to be better sons. father's, husband's and men.

Image by Sai Abhinivesh Burla

Mother's Board

Mother Constance Johnson, General Mother

Bring men/boys closer to God through mentoring activities. Edify men of all ages by building their faith in God. Helping them to be better sons. father's, husband's and men.



Pastor Tina Daniel, President

Bring men/boys closer to God through mentoring activities. Edify men of all ages by building their faith in God. Helping them to be better sons. father's, husband's and men.

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Music Ministry

Minister Natosha Collins, President

Bring men/boys closer to God through mentoring activities. Edify men of all ages by building their faith in God. Helping them to be better sons. father's, husband's and men.

Sound Equipment

Audio/ Visual Ministry

Deacon Lamont Collins, Director

Deacon Russell Thompson, Co-Director

Our mission is to provide transparent, efficient and quality sound and sight to each service. We believe in the work that is done to endure that the audi and visual team creates works that demonstrate the Worship of Jesus Christ.

Image by David Watkis

Missionary Ministry

Evangelist Carol Hendrix, President

To support the church’s key services and to visit and keep in contact with the sick and shut in. To properly train missionaries for active duty both locally and for global missions.  


Youth Ministry

Brother David & Sister Jewel Nelson, Youth Leaders

The Nehemiah Project / building better homes, communities, churches and schools.  We thrive to develop our youth spiritually and socially, join us as we grow our Youth Church and Sunday School.

Image by Timon Studler

Single's Ministry

TBD President

To fellowship with saved and unsaved individuals who are reaching for new spiritual growth, while learning love and edify one another.

Image by Timothy Hales Bennett

Marketing Department

Elder Troy Herbert, President

Sister Bianca Carter, Co-President

To fellowship with saved and unsaved individuals who are reaching for new spiritual growth, while learning love and edify one another.

Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Daniel Academy

Bishop Howard A. Daniel, Director of Education

To Edify, Empower, and Equip by  (T)eaching the word of God, (E)ncouraging Hearts, (A)dvancing the kingdom, (C)hallenging Minds, and (H)onoring God.


Christian Kindness & Action

Deaconess Diane Mullins, President

Missionary Karen Herbert, Co-President


Our mission is to provide transparent, efficient and quality sound and sight to each service. We believe in the work that is done to ensure that the audio and visual team creates works that demonstrates the Worship of Jesus Christ.

Image by Tekton

Grounds & Facilities

Deacon Chares Oxley, President

Deacon Taiwan Hutchinson, Co-President


To keep God's house ready for his worship by providing a safe and clean environment. By maintaining the church's buildings, property and facilities through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Helping Hands

The Helps Ministry

Evangelist Shawnta Thompson, President

Evangelist Sabrina Hutchinson, Co-President


To keep God's house ready for his worship by providing a safe and clean environment. By maintaining the church's buildings, property and facilities through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Reiki Therapy

Dealing With Healing Ministry

Minister Daisy Hopes, President

Mother Joyce Gardner, Co-President


To keep God's house ready for his worship by providing a safe and clean environment. By maintaining the church's buildings, property and facilities through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Young Nurse

Health Ministry

Missionary Talayah Wiggins, Head Nurse

TBD, Co-President


To keep God's house ready for his worship by providing a safe and clean environment. By maintaining the church's buildings, property and facilities through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer Group

Prayer Line Warriors

Minister Natasha Wright, President

TBD, Co-President


To keep God's house ready for his worship by providing a safe and clean environment. By maintaining the church's buildings, property and facilities through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


The Usher Board

Sis. Diane Boyd, President

Be A Faithful Doorkeeper- Minimizing distraction and providing a spiritual atmosphere, where all feels welcome.

Image by Tim Mossholder

Greeters Ministry

Sister Lisa Hutchins, President

To acknowledge and welcome every person new or existing into the House of the Lord with a smile, kind heart and a helping hand.

Image by Arno Senoner

Security Ministry

Minister John Collins, President

Brother Jordan Carter Co-President

To provide natural and spiritual security of the URCC congregation and it’s visitor through mentoring and training. To support the safety and welfare of the congregation, leaders and visitors and provide a stable environment within and outside URCC.


Pastor's Aid  

Sister Reva Mingo, President

Deaconess Nancy Cone, Co-President

To serve and be of support to our pastor and his immediate family in all areas in ministries with the love of God, ensuring their needs are met at all times. 

Image by Mostafa tarek

Transportation Department

Sister Maria Banks, President

TBD, Co-President

To serve and be of support to our pastor and his immediate family in all areas in ministries with the love of God, ensuring their needs are met at all times. 

Support Group Session

© 2019 Upper Room Christian Center  CT

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